
I’m writing with hesitant hands… because there’s something I want to say and I don’t know how to put it so that it gets the intended meaning across. Sometimes I use songs when all other communication channels fail me but that’s not appropriate this time. 

I was going to write about Chris Cornell, how much he influenced me as a songwriter and how his music had saved me from another life path with a really shitty soundtrack but then some coward decides to murder a bunch of innocent, young music fans. It makes me feel sick and everything else pales in comparison. 

Maybe you don’t care what I think, that’s okay, I don’t mind. I don’t have any qualifications or anything... I once lived in a city when it was attacked but that's all. I think what gets me is that people won’t feel safe attending music events anymore and that’s one place we should all feel euphoric – few things compare to seeing your favourite artist sing your favourite songs in person… but those feelings suddenly seem too far away. I almost feel like I should stop because whatever comes next will sound cliche or insincere – it’s absolutely not, but the written word sometimes isn’t sufficient in inexperienced hands – my belief is that incidents like this should not change us or harden us to the world...  but I’ve never lost any one this way… really I’m just sorry this happened at all, I feel sorry that something is broken and I don’t know how to fix it. I’ve always used music for those situations but I don’t know if that’s going to work anymore. I think it’s up to love.

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