Not saving face (book)

Hey... it has been a while... during the last month I decided to take a break of sorts from Facebook, in preparation for a charity challenge in a month or so's time, and almost immediately I started realising things, things that I wasn't so happy about and reasons why I wasn't so happy about them.

I've been paying close attention to a few people lately who know a lot more about the music industry than me and I've realised that I've too easily fallen into the trap of shouting things at people (in a social media sense) and not stopping to let said people take part in the conversation, basically I'd forgotten how important it was to have someone else in the conversation.

Facebook for me had gotten to a point where all I saw was "this is pissing me off" or "buy this" but not a lot from the perspective of positivity and it's easy to get sucked into it all. Step one, removing the app from my phone, resulted in an almost immediate lift to my mood, mainly 'cause I was using my phone to listen to music, audiobooks and podcasts rather than playing unwilling psychologist.

The fact that I'm talking about giving up Facebook in the same terms as someone might speak of giving up cigarettes (and making a BIG deal out it) shows that it can be as addictive as the latter - and that's not what I want.

I want you guys to be part of the conversation, I want you to hear the music I've put my heart into and like it - and if you don't I want you to be able to say that too (in a nice way!) as long as we're talking. Make no mistake, I make music for myself foremost - it's my creative outlet, sanity giver and many other things - but if you guys weren't listening, coming to the shows or supporting me in the other ways that you do then it'd only be an iota of the fun that it is at the moment.

I'm working on new stuff and I'll share it soon but I want you to come and join me in the process and share the fun I'm having... it'll be nice to have you all here :)

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